Gamochaeta calviceps (Fern.) Cabrera

Locations ofGamochaeta calviceps (Fern.) Cabrera in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Gamochaeta calviceps (Fern.) Cabrera
Common Name
Narrow-leaf Purple Everlasting
Gnaphalium purpureum L. var. falcatum (L.) Torr. & Gray
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Gamochaeta calviceps (Fernald) Cabrera
The distribution and status of this taxon are not well known because it has been included in a broader species concept of Gnaphalium purpureum L. in most Virginia studies. Collectively, the members of this complex are frequent to common at low elevations statewide, but extensive herbarium and field studies are needed to clarify the status of each component species.
Fields, roadsides, lawns, and other open, weedy habitats; often in sandy or gravelly soil. Presumably limited to the eastern part of the state; recent collections suggest that the species is rapidly spreading and expanding its range in the state.
Native Status

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