Rubus pensilvanicus Poir.

Locations ofRubus pensilvanicus Poir. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Rubus pensilvanicus Poir.
Common Name
Pennsylvania Blackberry, Prickly Blackberry
Rubus argutus Link; Rubus ostryifolius Rydb.; Rubus frondosus Bigel.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Rubus pensilvanicus Poir.
Both Rubus pensilvanicaus and R. argutus Link were mapped separately through three hard-copy editions of the Atlas, but the names were applied in a similar manner and the distinction between the two species was a source of confusion for decades. We now follow Flora of Virginia in combining Rubus argutus in R. pensilvanicus; under this scenario, the name "pensilvanicus" has nomenclatural priority.
Ubiquitous in a wide range of natural and disturbed habitats, including floodplain forests, swamps (all types), wet flatwoods, mesic to dry upland forests, woodlands, clearings, old fields, and roadsides. Common in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont; less so and mostly restricted to lower elevations in the mountains. This is the most common highbush blackberry at lower elevations in Virginia.
Native Status

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