Viola incognita Brainerd

Locations ofViola incognita Brainerd in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Viola incognita Brainerd
Common Name
Large-leaved White Violet
Viola blanda Willd. var. palustriformis Gray
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Viola incognita Gray
The taxonomic status of this violet has been controversial. Prior to Atlas lll, it was subsumed within V. blanda and the few specimens were referred to either as V. incognita or V. blanda var. palustriformis. Its status in Virginia is still poorly known.
Mesic to wet forests. The distribution and status of this species are poorly known in Virginia; the few definite specimens are from the mountains and inner Piedmont foothills. This species and V. blanda are very similar morphologically (see synonymy).
Native Status

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