Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kitaib.

Locations ofEuphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kitaib. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kitaib.
Common Name
Wolf's-milk, Leafy Spurge
Euphorbia esula L., misapplied
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
in Taxa Not Treated: Waifs
According to Riina et al. (2016) in FNA12, the name Euphorbia esula was widely misapplied to North American plants of E. virgata, although E. esula apparently occurred locally as a non-persistent waif in the late 1800's. Moreover, John Hayden examined all the Virginia specimens of "Euphorbia esula" and determined that only a single specimen from Greene County is E. virgata (see below); the others were misidentified to different species.
Gravelly soil of an open road margin on a spur ridge of Hightop Mountain, Greene County, elev. 2800 ft.; the only known Virginia collection (T.F. Wieboldt 1049, WILLI).
Native Status

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