Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.

Locations ofMentha suaveolens Ehrh. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.
Common Name
Pineapple Mint, Round-leaved Mint
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. ssp. suaveolens
Virginia specimens have previously been passing as M. ×rotundifolia. A key and illustrations in J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 3(1):383-389 (2009) dealing with the species in North Carolina is helpful. Plants with more crenate leaf margins and scattered dendritic hairs on veins on the lower leaf surfaces are likely to be M. suaveolens. According to Tucker and Naczi (2007)*, the type of M. suaveolens ssp. suaveolens is the cultivated, variegated-leaved plant, and the name of the wild green-leaved form is uncertain. There are few confirmed Virginia specimens, and none of them are variegated, so we will stay with just a species-level treatment.

* Tucker, A.O., and R.F.C. Naczi. 2007. Mentha: an overview of its classification and relationships. Pp. 1-39 in B.M. Lawrence, ed., Mint: the genus Mentha. Medicinal and aromatic plants – industrial profiles vol. 44. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
The habitats and status of this species are uncertain due to confusion with the hybrid Apple Mint, Mentha xrotundifolia. Known definitely from only a few collections, probably infrequent to rare state-wide, and less frequent than the widely escaped M. xrotundifolia.
Native Status

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