Torrentaria riparioides (Hedw.) Ochyra

Locations ofTorrentaria riparioides (Hedw.) Ochyra in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Torrentaria riparioides (Hedw.) Ochyra
Common Name
Eurhynchium riparioides (Hedw.) Rich.; Rhynchostegium riparioides (Hedw.) Cardot; Rhynchostegium aquaticum A. Jaeger (of auth's)
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Much uncertainty surrounds the best name (both genus and species) for this moss in eastern North America, and whether or not it differs from European plants. As presently understood, T. riparioides is the more widespread species and ranges far into northern latitudes, whereas T. aquatica is a New World species that ranges from the southwestern U.S. to Argentina (see Allen 's treatment in Moss Flora of Central America). FNA treats our plants as a species of Rhynchostegium.
On rocks, often submersed in flowing water; in streams, on outcrops with seepage, and in the spray and splash zones of waterfalls. Widespread and frequent in the mountains, with just a few records from the northern Piedmont and an isolated record (Greensville Co.) from the southern Piedmont.
Native Status

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