Lophocolea appalachiana R. M. Schuster

Locations ofLophocolea appalachiana R. M. Schuster in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Lophocolea appalachiana R. M. Schuster
Common Name
Chiloscyphus appalachianus (R. M. Schust.) J. J. Engel & R. M. Schust.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Not applicable
The first and only known Virginia population was discovered in 2022 along the North Fork of Stewarts Creek, on the southern Blue Ridge escarpment (elevation 775m).
In a steep, shaded ravine, on the slanted face of a wet outcrop at creek margin among colonies of other bryophytes. The microhabitat occupied by the plant is near the water line and sometimes inundated. Schuster (1980) describes habitat for the species as "...shaded, wet, non-calcareous rocks, in montane habitats...Most often adjoining either cascades or waterfalls, or on dripping wet rocks".
Native Status

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