Carex leptalea Wahlenberg var. leptalea

Locations ofCarex leptalea Wahlenberg var. leptalea in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Carex leptalea Wahlenberg var. leptalea
Common Name
Bristly-stalk Sedge
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Carex leptalea Wahlenb. var. leptalea
A slender, delicate species with perigynia resembling grains of rice. Two varieties have been recognized in our area by taxonomists, but not generally in local floristic studies. Most of our material is apparently the widespread var. leptalea. The Virginia distribution of var. harperi (Fern.) Weath. & Grisc., a more southern and coastal taxon, is likely concentrated in the Coastal Plain.
In bogs, fens, seeps, seepage swamps and, less characteristically, on hummocks of alluvial swamps; occurs in both extremely acidic and strongly calcareous soils, and from very low to high elevations. Locally frequent throughout much of the state. The distribution of var. leptalea appears to be state-wide, while the distribution of var. harperi is likely concentrated in the Coastal Plain; however, additional field and herbarium study is needed to fully elucidate these distribution patterns.
Native Status

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