Carex bromoides Schk. ex Willd. ssp. bromoides

Locations ofCarex bromoides Schk. ex Willd. ssp. bromoides in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Carex bromoides Schk. ex Willd. ssp. bromoides
Common Name
Common Brome Sedge
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Carex bromoides Schk. ex Willd. ssp. bromoides
Most of our material of this species represents ssp. bromoides. The map may include additional records for ssp. montana, a narrow, Southern Appalachian endemic that reaches its northern limit in sw. Virginia. See map and comments for ssp. montana.
Seeps, seepage swamps, tidal swamps, and alluvial forests and swamps; often, but not always, associated with base-rich soils. Infrequent to locally common throughout; often forms dense and extensive colonies in favorable habitats.
Native Status

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