Carex planispicata Naczi

Locations ofCarex planispicata Naczi in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Carex planispicata Naczi
Common Name
Flat-spiked Sedge
Carex grisea Wahlenb. var. rigida L.H. Bailey; Carex amphibola Steud. var. rigida (L.H. Bailey) Fernald
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Carex planispicata Naczi
Carex amphibola var. rigida (as to type), frequently misapplied. See J. Ky. Acad. Sci. 60(1):37-44 (1999).
Map incomplete at this time, due to the lumping of Carex amphibola, C. corrugata, C. grisea, and C. planispicata in many previous Virginia botanical studies. See also the map of these four species combined (Carex amphibola complex). Distribution contributed by R.F.C. Naczi, 2005, plus additional specimens from various herbaria. Carex planispicata is probably more widespread than the current map indicates.
Mesic to rather dry upland forests, usually in calcareous and mafic substrates; Piedmont hardpan forests; and rich, well-drained floodplain forests. This species has been much confused with Carex amphibola and C. oligocarpa. Its distribution and status in Virginia are incompletely known. Field and herbarium experience suggests that it is locally frequent in the Piedmont and at low elevations of the Ridge and Valley province. In the Coastal Plain, it appears to be rare and confined to shell-rich, calcareous uplands or very rich bottomlands.
Native Status

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