Ambrosia bidentata Michx.

Locations ofAmbrosia bidentata Michx. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Ambrosia bidentata Michx.
Common Name
Lance-leaf Ragweed
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Ambrosia bidentata Michx.
Isolated populations of this Midwestern ragweed occur in the southern Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia Piedmont on soils (especially hardpans) weathered from mafic or calcareous rocks. However, the plants generally occur in weedy habitats, and it is not clear whether they represent introduced or native, disjunct populations, or a combination of these. Recent Virginia collections in the Coastal Plain (York and Hanover cos.), the northern Ridge and Valley region (Frederick Co.), and central Piedmont (Appomattox Co.) suggest the species is spreading widely as a weed.
Fields, clearings, pastures, and roadsides, especially on calcareous metasedimentary and mafic substrates. Rare, in scattered areas throughout; locally common in a few areas.
Native Status
Not Specified

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