Vaccaria hispanica (P. Mill.) Rausch.

Locations ofVaccaria hispanica (P. Mill.) Rausch. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Vaccaria hispanica (P. Mill.) Rausch.
Common Name
Cow-cockle, Cow-herb
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
in Taxa Not Treated: Waifs
There are multiple historical collections of this species from Arlington County at US; Shetler & Orli cite this as a waif. Also collected historically by Pursh in 1806 ("Middle River of Shenandoah"), in the City of Chesapeake (1924) and James City County (1948). The only relatively recent collection was made in Henrico County (2003). Collections by Clyde Reed and others from D.C. and Maryland are from chrome ore piles.
Habitat descriptions on specimen labels are vague or missing. This species appears to be a ruderal weed of ephemeral appearances.
Native Status

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