Claytonia virginica L. var. virginica

Locations ofClaytonia virginica L. var. virginica in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Claytonia virginica L. var. virginica
Common Name
Spring Beauty, Virginia Spring Beauty, Eastern Spring Beauty
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Claytonia virginica L.
Flora of the Southeastern U.S. notes that subtle morphological differences and differences in ploidy level among populations of widespread white- to pink-flowered plants warrant further study and perhaps varietal recognition. Var. hammondiae (Kalmbacher) J.J. Doyle, W.H. Lewis, & D.B. Snyder is a late-flowering variant with yellow petals and white anthers endemic to acidic seepage wetlands in northern New Jersey.
Well-drained floodplain forests, mesic and dry-mesic upland forests, and old fields; most characteristic of, but not restricted to, base-rich soils. Common throughout except in far sw. Virginia and on the Eastern Shore.
Native Status

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