Hexasepalum teres (Walter) J.H. Kirkbride

Locations ofHexasepalum teres (Walter) J.H. Kirkbride in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Hexasepalum teres (Walter) J.H. Kirkbride
Common Name
Common Buttonweed, Rough Buttonweed
Diodia teres Walt.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Hexasepalum teres (Walter) J.H. Kirkbride
Bacigalupo & Cabral (1999, Darwiniana 37: 153-165) argued that the genus Diodella (originally circumscribed by Small) should be recognized as distinct from Diodia on morphological grounds. Kirkbride & Delprete (2015, J. Bot Res. Inst. Texas 9: 103-106) demonstrated that the name Hexasepalum has priority over Diodella.

Fernald (as Diodia teres, in Gray's Manual) recognized 4 varieties which have received little or no attention since. Two are reported as narrow endemics which seem a stretch considering the weedy nature of the species.
Various dry, open habitats, including dunes, sandy roadsides, rock outcrops, and fields; occasionally in alternately wet and dry, hardpan soils and seasonally flooded wetlands that become very dry by late summer. Common throughout.
Native Status

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