Acmispon helleri (Britt.) A.A. Heller

Locations ofAcmispon helleri (Britt.) A.A. Heller in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Acmispon helleri (Britt.) A.A. Heller
Common Name
Carolina Prairie-trefoil
Acmispon americanus (Nuttall) Rydberg var. helleri (Briiton) Brouillet; Lotus helleri Britt.; Lotus unifoliolatus (Hooker) Bentham var. helleri (Britton) Kartesz & Gandhi
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Acmispon helleri (Britt.) A.A. Heller
Closely related to, and sometimes treated as a var. of Acmispon americanus (Nutt.) Rydb. (= Lotus unifoliatus [Hook.] Benth.) of midwestern prairies. If considered (as here) a separate species, A. helleri is a narrow Piedmont endemic, ranging from sc. VA to ne. GA.
Road banks, clearings, and old fields, usually in dry, barren, clay soils. This se. Piedmont endemic may have originally been associated with fire-influenced oak woodlands and prairies. Rare, s. Piedmont (Bedford, Charlotte, Halifax, and Pittsylvania counties).
Native Status

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