Monarda media Willd. complex

Locations ofMonarda media Willd. complex in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Monarda media Willd. complex
Common Name
Purple Bergamot
Monarda ×media Willd.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Monarda media Willd.
This taxon is problematic, controversial, and widely suspected to be the result of hybridization or introgression of M. didyma with either M. fistulosa or M. clinopodia, or both. It is also very similar to M. fistulosa var. rubra. Despite treating it as a species, Flora of the Southeastern U.S. recognizes that this taxon is unresolved and needs studies that go beyond the herbarium to determine genetics, origin, and population structure. Moreover, it is quite rare in Virginia and doesn't give us a lot to work with.
Upland forests, old fields, and roadsides. Rare throughout.
Native Status

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