Hookeria acutifolia Hooker & Greville

- Family
- Hookeriaceae
- Botanical Name
- Hookeria acutifolia Hooker & Greville
- Common Name
- Synonym(s)
- Flora of Virginia Name/Status
- Comments
- Habitat
- Most of the few Virginia collections are from dripping ledges and wet rocks along forested streams. Known occurrences are all in the southwestern mountains, primarily at low to middle elevations, with one collection from the far sw. Piedmont (Franklin Co.) (Biodiversity occurrence data published by DUKE, MDKY, MO, NY, TENN. Accessed through Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria (CNABH) Data Portal, Http//:bryophyteportal.org/portal/index.php, 2019-12-29).
- Native Status
- Native
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