Lobelia puberula Michaux

Locations ofLobelia puberula Michaux in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Lobelia puberula Michaux
Common Name
Downy Lobelia
Lobelia puberula Michx. var. simulans Fern.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Lobelia puberula Michx.
Two geographically correlated varieties, differing in leaf and pubescence characters, were described by Fernald: var. puberula of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont, and var. simulans Fern. of the Appalachians. It is not clear how these putative vars. relate to Virginia material; they are not formally recognized at this time, but are worthy of further study.
Wet to dry forests, old fields, clearings, and roadsides. Frequent in the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and mountains of sw. Virginia, north to Giles, Pulaski, and Carroll counties.
Native Status

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