Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fern. var. bracteata

- Family
- Fabaceae
- Botanical Name
- Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fern. var. bracteata
- Common Name
- Hog-peanut
- Synonym(s)
- Flora of Virginia Name/Status
- Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fern., in part
- Comments
- Two varieties of Amphicarpaea bracteata - var. bracteata and var. comosa Fassett - have been ascribed to our area. They can be very distinct in their extremes, but problematic plants with intermediate characters occur. Plants corresponding to var. bracteata have stems, petioles, and inflorescence axes with whitish strigose pubescence; relatively small leaf and petiole size; and relatively small, white to pale lilac flowers. Variety comosa has spreading or retrorse, tawny pubescence on stems, petioles, and inflorescence axis; relatively large leaf and petiole size; relatively large, purplish flowers, and a more western global distribution. While the molecular data does appear to support the distinction, in-state differences in habitat (if any) and geographic distribution between these taxa are currently unclear. Varietal names have rarely been applied to Virginia herbarium specimens but we do have confirmed specimes of var. comosa from 16 counties (mostly in northern and western Virginia), sufficent for a separate, provisional map. The map for var. bracteata shown here contains all records for the species but is representative of the var., which is undoubtedly found in every county. Further study of these taxa is needed.
- Habitat
- Mesic to dry forests and woodlands, well-drained floodplain forests; found mostly on moderately to strongly base-rich soils. Common throughout.
- Native Status
- Native
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