Isoetes mattaponica Musselman & W.C. Taylor

Locations ofIsoetes mattaponica Musselman & W.C. Taylor in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Isoetes mattaponica Musselman & W.C. Taylor
Common Name
Mattaponi Quillwort
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Isoetes mattaponica L.J. Musselman & W.C.Taylor
Based on differences in ploidy level and other factors, certain plants previously included in I. riparia have been segregated as I. mattaponica. See paper by Musselman, Taylor, and Bray, "Isoetes mattaponica (Isoetaceae), a new diploid quillwort from freshwater tidal marshes of Virginia" in Novon 11:200-204 (2001).
Freshwater tidal shores (often gravelly) near the head of tide along estuarine rivers on the western side of the Chesapeake Bay. Rare and local, and apparently endemic to the fresh tidal reaches of the Mattaponi, Pamunkey, Chickahominy, and James Rivers in the central Coastal Plain of Virginia.
Native Status

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