Carex canescens L. var. disjuncta Fernald

Locations ofCarex canescens L. var. disjuncta Fernald in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Carex canescens L. var. disjuncta Fernald
Common Name
Silvery Sedge
Carex disjuncta (Fern.) E.P. Bickn.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Carex canescens L. var. disjuncta Fernald
Flora of the Southeastern U.S. (Weakley et al. 2023) treats this as a species, Carex disjuncta. However, in the phylogenetic study of Carex sect. Glareosae by Maguilla et al. (2015, Am. J. Bot. 102: 1128-1144), the cladogram shows bootstrap values that drop off significantly where C. canescens falls out, indicating that support for segregate species or infraspecific taxa is limited. Therefore, we are continuing to recognize this sedge at the varietal rank.
Depression swamps and ponds, tidal swamps, wind-tidal oligohaline marshes, seepage swamps, bogs, and wet flatwoods. Infrequent in the Coastal Plain; rare in the mountains.
Native Status

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