Lilium canadense L.

Locations ofLilium canadense L. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Lilium canadense L.
Common Name
Canada Lily
Lilium canadense L. var. editorum Fern.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Lilium canadense L.
At least two varieties of Lilium canadense have been attributed to our area, but complex variation in populations has led many to conclude that recognition of infraspecific taxa is unwarranted. In Virginia, a dark-red-flowered variant (var. editorum Fernald) is fairly common and often mistaken for Lilium grayi S. Wats. Recent studies have also generated evidence of hybridization between L. canadense and L. grayi at middle elevations of the mountains, particularly along the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Rich, mesic cove and slope forests, clearings, seeps, and wet meadows. Frequent in the mountains, rare in the Piedmont.
Native Status

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