Cerastium nutans Raf.

Locations ofCerastium nutans Raf. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Cerastium nutans Raf.
Common Name
Nodding Mouse-ear Chickweed
Cerastium nutans Raf. var. nutans
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Cerastium nutans Raf.
The treatment here does not recognize infraspecific taxa. FNA recognizes var. nutans and var. obtectum Kearney & Peebles from AZ, NM, and Mexico. However, the account states that var. obtectum tends to intergrade with var. nutans, and that most of the material examined was more or less intermediate. Overall, it doesn't sound very convincing.
Well-drained floodplain forests, mesic to dry upland forests on calcareous or mafic substrates. Frequent in the mountains and inner Piedmont; infrequent in the outer Piedmont; rare in the Coastal Plain.
Native Status

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