Hexastylis heterophylla (Ashe) Small

Locations ofHexastylis heterophylla (Ashe) Small in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Hexastylis heterophylla (Ashe) Small
Common Name
Variable-leaf Heartleaf
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Hexastylis heterophylla (Ashe) Small
Large-flowered plants of this species have sometimes been labeled H. shuttleworthii in herbaria, which has been attributed to Virginia in the literature (Castanea 52:186-196 (1987)). Despite the large size of the flowers, they are still, on average, about a centimeter shorter than suttleworthii and lack the signature broadly urceolate perianth which lacks a swelling at the "belly". These features are far less evident in pressed material but are unmistakable in the field.
See also Hexastylis chueyi and associated Comment.
Mesic to dry upland forests; occurs in both extremely acidic and strongly calcareous soils. Infrequent in the mountains (absent from far. nw. Virginia) and c. and s. Piedmont.
Native Status

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