Euthamia lanceolata (L.) Nesom

Locations ofEuthamia lanceolata (L.) Nesom in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Euthamia lanceolata (L.) Nesom
Common Name
Hairy Grass-leaved Goldenrod
Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. var. nuttallii (Greene) W. Stone; Solidago graminifolia (L.) Salisb. var. nuttallii (Greene) Fern.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. (sensu lato)
See also Euthamia graminifolia, which is essentially restricted to the mountains. Similar Piedmont and Coastal Plain plants with hirtellous or short-villous hairs on leaf undersides, upper stem, and branches were formerly called E. graminfolia var. nuttallii (Greene) W. Stone. In his recent comprehensive revision of Euthamia (Phytoneuron 34-2021, 1-182), Nesom demonstrated that this taxon is morphologically and geographically distinct, and renamed it Euthamia lanceolata. Map is based on Nesom’s (2021) map, with some modifications based on Virginia herbarium data.
Mesic to wet clearings, bottomland fields, meadows, roadsides, riverbanks, seasonally exposed bars, and interdune swales. Frequent to common in the Coastal Plain, se. and n. Piedmont; rare in the sw. Piedmont and n. mountains (at low elevations).
Native Status

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