Callicarpa americana L.
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- Family
- Lamiaceae
- Botanical Name
- Callicarpa americana L.
- Common Name
- American Beauty-berry, French-mulberry
- Synonym(s)
- Flora of Virginia Name/Status
- Callicarpa americana L.
- Comments
- Formerly placed in Verbenaceae (Atlas lll, etc.). Recent molecular evidence places this genus in the Lamiaceae, however its subfamily designation is unassigned suggesting provisional status within Lamiaceae.
- Habitat
- Various mesic to dry upland forests, maritime forests, successional pine
forests, forest edges, and disturbed habitats. Frequent in the s. and c. Coastal Plain (common in some localities), n. to Accomack, King and Queen, and Northumberland counties. - Native Status
- Native
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