Leucodon andrewsianus (H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson) W.D. Reese & L.E. Anderson

Locations ofLeucodon andrewsianus (H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson) W.D. Reese & L.E. Anderson in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Leucodon andrewsianus (H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson) W.D. Reese & L.E. Anderson
Common Name
Leucodon brachypus var. andrewianus H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson; Leucodon sciuroides (Hedw.) Schwägr., misapplied
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Not applicable
Several Virginia herbarium specimens bear the name Leucodon sciuroides (Hedw.) Schwägr., which, according to FNA, is a species of Eurasia and Africa that has been frequently confused with Leucodon andrewsianus in North America.
On rocks and hardwood bark, mostly above 3000 ft in the mountains. Represented in Virginia by just a few, widely scattered collections (Biodiversity occurrence data published by DUKE, NCU, NY. Accessed through Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria (CNABH) Data Portal, http//:bryophyteportal.org/portal/index.php, 2015-02-10).
Native Status

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