Frullania eboracensis Gottsche ssp. virginica (Lehm.) R.M. Schust.

Locations ofFrullania eboracensis Gottsche ssp. virginica (Lehm.) R.M. Schust. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Frullania eboracensis Gottsche ssp. virginica (Lehm.) R.M. Schust.
Common Name
Frullania virginica Gottsche in Lehm.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
A southern taxon, perhaps better treated as a distinct species, F. virginica Lehm. Some records mapped as F. eboracensis ssp. eboracensis may belong here. See Comment under F. eboracensis ssp. eboracensis.
Collected in mesic forests on tree bark, including that of oaks, tuliptree, red maple, pawpaw, and eastern red cedar. Virginia collections are widely scattered in the southern half of the state (all provinces) (Biodiversity occurrence data published by DUKE, F:BOTANY, NY, UNAF. Accessed through Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria (CNABH) Data Portal, Http//, 2019-12-28).
Native Status

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