Ulota hutchinsiae var. rufescens (E. Britton) Dixon

Locations ofUlota hutchinsiae var. rufescens (E. Britton) Dixon in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Ulota hutchinsiae var. rufescens (E. Britton) Dixon
Common Name
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Not applicable
This moss is endemic to the higher elevations of the Southern Appalachians in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Whitetop Mountain, Va., is the type location where it was collected by Elizabeth Britton. It was recollected at the same locality during the 2008 Blomquist Foray.
Several collections from Whitetop Mountain (elev. ~5500 ft), both from spruce forests of the summit and northern hardwoods below the spruce zone (Biodiversity occurrence data published by NY. Accessed through Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria (CNABH) Data Portal, http//:bryophyteportal.org/portal/index.php, 2015-01-31).
Native Status

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