Parthenium integrifolium L. var. mabryanum Mears

Locations ofParthenium integrifolium L. var. mabryanum Mears in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Parthenium integrifolium L. var. mabryanum Mears
Common Name
Mabry's Wild Quinine
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Parthenium integrifolium L. var. mabryanum Mears
Parthenium integrifolium var. mabryanum is much less common than var. integrifolium and is alleged to occur infrequently in southeastern Virginia, especially in sandhill woodlands and sandy clearings of the Coastal Plain. Since most Virginia specimens of P. integrifolium have not been identified to variety, the current map is skeletal and will require extensive herbarium work to flesh out.
Sandhill woodlands, sandy clearings, and dry, shaley flats. Scattered collections from the s. and c. Coastal Plain and s. Piedmont; however, most Virginia specimens of Parthenium integrifolium have not been identified to variety, and var. mabreyanum is no doubt more frequent than collections indicate.
Native Status

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