Fissidens closteri Austin ssp. closteri

Locations ofFissidens closteri Austin ssp. closteri in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Fissidens closteri Austin ssp. closteri
Common Name
Closter's Pocket Moss
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
It is difficult to convey the minute size of this moss, which seems like a speck of dust when placed on a white background. It is basically stemless and even when sporophytes are present the plant isn't much taller than a millimeter or two. It is the smallest Fissidens in North America (Flora of North America 2007)
The single Virginia collection is from a rocky exposed stream channel, where plants were found growing on sandstone rocks. Populations elsewhere are found in similarly rocky streambeds, sometimes where exposed to flooding (Crum & Anderson 1981, Flora of North America 2007).
Native Status

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