Euphrasia stricta J. P. Wolff ex J. F. Lehmann var. stricta

Locations ofEuphrasia stricta J. P. Wolff ex J. F. Lehmann var. stricta in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Euphrasia stricta J. P. Wolff ex J. F. Lehmann var. stricta
Common Name
Drug Eyebright
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Not in Flora of Virginia; discovered after its publication
A European species otherwise known from the Northeast, Great Lake states, and adjacent Canadian provinces but reaching as far south as Pennsylvania and Illinois. The presence of this species in a disturbed habitat at moderate elevation suggests large areas of potential habitat. It was introduced into eastern Maine in the 18th or 19th centuries (Downie & McNeill, Rhodora v.90).
Weedy, open corridor along mowed Forest Service road just west of wildlife clearing. Associates include a mix of weedy native and introduced taxa. Voss (1996) describes habitats in Michigan as lawns, clearings, trails, roadsides, and old railroad grades. FNA (2019) lists pastures, scrub, and marshy places.
Native Status

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