Scutellaria elliptica Muhl. ex Spreng.

Locations ofScutellaria elliptica Muhl. ex Spreng. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Scutellaria elliptica Muhl. ex Spreng.
Common Name
Hairy Skullcap
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Scutellaria elliptica Muhl. ex Spreng. var elliptica + S. elliptica Muhl. ex Spreng. var. hirsuta (Short & Peter) Fern.
Two vars. occur in Virginia: var. elliptica, with short incurved hairs, and var. hirsuta (Short & Peter) Fernald, with straight, divergent hairs. These have not been fully sorted out in herbarium material, and are mapped only partially at this time. The map above is a composite map for all records of the species.
The species occurs in mesic to dry forests, woodlands, barrens, and old fields; it is most numerous in oak-hickory and dry calcareous forests.
Var. elliptica appears to be frequent to common throughout, while var. hirsuta appears to be frequent in the mountains. However, their relative distribution and abundance needs additional field and herbarium study.
Native Status

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