Schistidium crassithecium H. H. Blom ex B. H. Allen

Locations ofSchistidium crassithecium H. H. Blom ex B. H. Allen in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Schistidium crassithecium H. H. Blom ex B. H. Allen
Common Name
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Not applicable
Virginia collections are a slight southward extension in the mid-Atlantic region from the distribution as shown in FNA. There are also new records (2023) on the Bryophyte Portal from West Virginia adjacent to Alleghany County. Being a fairly recently described species, its full distribution is not well known and should be looked for on limy shales and limestone in xeric, exposed sites, in particular.
On soil, Great Falls Park, Potomac River, Fairfax County (Charlie and Linda Davis, 2007). The Alleghany County records are from a shale cliffs along Jackson River at Low Moor and Smith Bridge. On limestone in Scott County (Clyde Reed coll., det'd by B. Allen) and on greenstone in Albemarle County (C.E. Stevens 8342; det'd T.F. Wieboldt).
Native Status

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